Your Health is What´s Most Important
One of the most critical bottlenecks in the IT environment that we’ve heard from our customers is the amount of requests they receive.
Checking the health of the servers after a large amount of requests is one of the hardest if not the most tedious jobs to do.
How do you figure out the health of the server? It has so many functions and measurements that one could never end up figuring it out.
Well with ventusproxy® your labours are over because our software allows you to take measurements of your servers with Response Time analytics.
With Real Time response monitoring you can view:
-Physical errors (eg. high response times)
-Logical errors (errors specific to the webservice)
-All webservice transactions from any point of view
-Detailed information the moment there is any problem in your webservice
-Data displaying the reason for the problem and the component that is causing it.
So next time your server processes a high amount of requests, remember to do a checkup to make sure it remains in good health.
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